Company Advantages 1。Boqu ORP传感器由专业设计概念开发。 2。将仔细检查产品的各种质量参数。 3。通过我们严格的质量管理系统,保证产品始终处于最佳质量。 4.orp sensor is produced with exquisite quality.
公司特色 1。随着几年前延伸的历史,上海Boqu仪器有限公司是中国领先的工业pH电极提供商之一。 2。我们的制造工厂在一些尖端生产设施的帮助下顺利运行。这些设施足以以可接受的方式满足客户的需求。 3。我们公司承担社会责任。我们有been making efforts to invent new technology with low acoustic emissions, low energy consumption, and a low environmental impact. Tapping into technology has become one of the major paths for our business success. We will work hard to introduce international cutting-edge R&D and production facilities to help us gain a technological advantage. We think highly of the sustainable business mode. Through upgrading our production procedures, we strive to make a balance among the development of economic, social, and environmental factors.