boInstrument pursues excellent quality and strives for perfection in every detail during the production.BOQU Instrument carefully selects quality raw materials. Production cost and product quality will be strictly controlled. This enables us to produce water quality analyzer which is more competitive than other products in the industry. It has advantages in internal performance, price, and quality.
Company Advantages 1。Boqu超声电平发射器制造采用先进的设计技术。先进的快速原型和CAD技术已被用于生产家具的简单和复杂的几何形状。 2。该产品具有较长的使用寿命。它通过了老化测试,验证了其对光或热量影响的抵抗力。 3。The product can be arranged and set in place almost silently and conveniently, usually without disrupting the original building structure.
公司特色 1。上海Boqu仪器有限公司被认为是超声波变送器的可靠制造商和出口商。我们在这家行业拥有丰富的经验和高级专业知识。 2。We have a full range of full-time and part-time direct production, engineering, management and support staff. People in the direct production area are three shifts a week, seven shifts a week. 3。我们的使命是在以数据为中心的世界中提供有效和创新的业务解决方案。通过倾听和挑战传统思维,我们为客户和合作伙伴提供长期成功。询问!我们的价值承诺是基于创新设计,工程无可挑剔,在预算和时间表内的优质服务。询问!