Company Advantages 1。Boqu手持式超声波流量计由几个主要部分组成。它采用致动装置,速度变速器,齿轮,工作装置,制动装置,润滑系统和冷却系统设计。它被广泛接受其高测量精度 2。包装是营销的前线。通过设计和营销通信,该产品可以帮助销售商品并将它们与类似的商品区分开来。它还可以帮助促进品牌。它支持水样中的多通道测量 3。超声波水流量计从客户接收到其手持式超声波流量计的许多积极反馈。产品内部高温和高压系统加速反应过程,从而提高了工作效率 4。手持式超声波流量计提供的特征使超声波水流表在许多不同的情况下广泛应用。通过类似于PC的排序菜单和操作方式,可以方便地操作 5。ultrasonic water flow meter makes full use of handheld ultrasonic flow meter materials, thus has features of ultrasonic water meter . Its shell is made to be highly wear-resistant
Every step in the process of BOQU ultrasonic water meter production becomes a crucial point. It needs to be machine sawed to size, its materials are to be cut, and its surface is to be honed, spray polished, sanded or waxed. It is scratch-resistant with increased strength